✓Let them express themselves, however rambling
✓Take an interest in, and encourage, their creativity
✓Accept their opinions might change and be flexible
✓Be positive about their ‘potential’ solutions or ideas
✓Speak quickly using divergent, not convergent words
✓Appear friendly, relaxed and informal when presenting
✓Think laterally and obscurely when brainstorming
✓Recognise their need for individuality & non-conformity
✓Offer to sort out, or help them with, points of detail
✓Give them several different options to think about
✓‘Pick and Mix’ items on an Agenda to talk about
✓Record commitments so they can see what was agreed
✓‘Paint a picture’ of your plan or idea in words or images
✓Set them deadlines long before a delivery date or time
✓Encourage them to work on cross-disciplinary projects
✓Involve them in ‘visioning’ or future planning activities
✓Give them feedback if they are confusing you or others
X Take offence when they finish your sentences
X Give them only one option, solution or alternative
X Challenge them with rules, policies or procedures
X Worry when they act irresponsibly or impulsively
X Appear rigid, fixed or dogmatic in your views
X Be too formal, structured, clinical or detached
X Expect them to deliver exactly what they promised
X Get angry when they deliberately avoid ‘boring’ routine
X Patronise, ‘micro-manage’ or call them ‘lazy’ or ‘idle’
X Stop them from contributing creatively ‘unusual’ ideas
X Demonstrate anger when they miss short deadlines
X Expect them to see or think of things in absolute terms
X Always expect to follow their random train of thought
X Be surprised if they argue against or change their views
X Label them as ‘fantasists’, ‘theorists’ or ‘day-dreamers’
X Take offence if they use dramatic or colourful language
X Be annoyed when they jump to subjective conclusions