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Let them express themselves, however rambling
Take an interest in, and encourage, their creativity
Accept their opinions might change and be flexible
Be positive about their ‘potential’ solutions or ideas
Speak quickly using divergent, not convergent words
Appear friendly, relaxed and informal when presenting
Think laterally and obscurely when brainstorming
Recognise their need for individuality & non-conformity
Offer to sort out, or help them with, points of detail
Give them several different options to think about
‘Pick and Mix’ items on an Agenda to talk about
Record commitments so they can see what was agreed
‘Paint a picture’ of your plan or idea in words or images
Set them deadlines long before a delivery date or time
Encourage them to work on cross-disciplinary projects
Involve them in ‘visioning’ or future planning activities
Give them feedback if they are confusing you or others


X Take offence when they finish your sentences
X Give them only one option, solution or alternative
X Challenge them with rules, policies or procedures
X Worry when they act irresponsibly or impulsively
X Appear rigid, fixed or dogmatic in your views
X Be too formal, structured, clinical or detached
X Expect them to deliver exactly what they promised
X Get angry when they deliberately avoid ‘boring’ routine
X Patronise, ‘micro-manage’ or call them ‘lazy’ or ‘idle’
X Stop them from contributing creatively ‘unusual’ ideas
X Demonstrate anger when they miss short deadlines
X Expect them to see or think of things in absolute terms
X Always expect to follow their random train of thought
X Be surprised if they argue against or change their views
X Label them as ‘fantasists’, ‘theorists’ or ‘day-dreamers’
X Take offence if they use dramatic or colourful language
X Be annoyed when they jump to subjective conclusions