✓ Initially agree that ‘something’ must be done ‘quickly’
✓ Use a lot of ‘action’, ‘doing’ and ‘fixing things’ words
✓ Appear enthusiastic, positive and ‘animated’
✓Speak slightly faster and more loudly than normal
✓Be brief, to the point, using simple words and phrases
✓Use expressions and gestures to show your emotions
✓Repeat (i.e. ‘bullet point’ summarise) what they say
✓Expect them to take seemingly unnecessary ‘risks’
✓Respond immediately to their direct questions
✓Expect decisions based on limited or subjective data
✓Maintain eye contact and agree you will take ‘action’
✓Send one page executive summaries, agendas or notes
✓Keep them updated with ‘brief’ progress reports
✓Emphasise speed, simplicity, results and ‘winning’
✓Recognise their achievements in front of others
✓Give them motivational (+) feedback (me, Me, ME!)
✓Position developmental (-) feedback to their results
X Argue with them because that’s often what they want!
X Ask for more time, facts or figures to make a decision
X Talk at length about detail before you give a summary
X Expect them to hold a grudge after an outburst or rant
X Be surprised when they make subjective statements
X Agree with them simply to avoid conflict or an issue
X Challenge their authority or position in a group context
X Expect them to have read the detail prior to meetings
X Take offence when they send you ‘one word’ emails
X Talk about problems without suggesting solutions
X Give them ambiguous answers or complicated ideas
X Provide them with too many options to choose from
X Be shocked if they use ‘blunt’ or ‘brusque’ language
X Allow ‘robust debates’ to cause you to sulk or argue
X Be offended when they ‘Tell’ you exactly what to do!
X Waste their time, enthusiasm or energy with ‘trivia’
X Accept rudeness or bullying from them – give feedback!