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Logical Preference



Send Agendas and detailed information in advance
Think before you speak – and then speak confidently
Stick to the Agenda and cover each item in sequence
Describe specific goals, standards, measures or metrics
Give them ‘check lists’, Gantt charts and flow diagrams
Let them know early about any changes or problems
Stay calm, composed and objective when presenting
Emphasise rigor in planning or data gathering activities
Use procedural descriptions (e.g. ‘it is a 3 step process’)
Use factual, verifiable evidence to support a proposal
Talk about ‘iterative’ as opposed to ‘radical’ changes
Be clear on what you expect them to deliver/measure
Talk about your specific facts, thoughts or assumptions
Use a considered and quietly measured tone of voice
When asking a question – be patient for their answer!
Summarise to confirm you understand what they said
Send detailed notes after meetings listing agreements


X Physically invade their space or use ‘touch’ contact
X Demand an immediate answer to new topics or issues
X Say they are ‘slow’ when they are only being thorough
X Be overly emotional or use subjective statements
X Act in a dictatorial or threatening way towards them
X Be inconsistent or vague in what you ‘say’ and ‘do’
X Give generalised or subjective feedback or information
X Appear bored or be dismissive of their need for detail
X Highlight any factual errors they make to ‘score points’
X Use emotive words or unsubstantiated generalisations
X Use their ‘unhelpful’ behaviours to describe them
X Rush or ‘make up’ presentations as you are speaking
X Make generalised statements without supporting data
X Expect them to show overly emotional excitement
X Be concerned to ask them for more time or information
X Ask if they are ‘happy’ about your proposals or ideas
X Unexpectedly ‘drop in’ just to make general small talk