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College of Extraordinary Experiences


College of Extraordinary Experiences

#EventCanvas College of Extraordinary Experiences 28 Nov – 2 October 2017

Time for the sequel of the College of Extraordinary Experiences at Czocha Castle.

The level of mystery and aspirational sophistication of a castle based college experience where LARP meets the business conference world in our second contribution to this oasis for Experience Designers was primed for both past alumni and first time participants.

Colleagues Dennis Luijer and Ruud Janssen contributed as Professors at the College of Extraordinary Experiences which in 2017 was focused around Rapid Prototyping, Co-Creation and Flexible Focus.

Participants at the College (staged in a Harry Potter castle where Live Role Action Play – LARP – is the medium of choice) indulged in a curriculum driven by rapid prototyping, flexible focus and co-creation. With no divide between speakers and listeners, a multidisciplinary group of 70 experts ranging from world class game designers, developers, food creators, moviemakers, animators, comedians, magicians, designers, authors and academics who were immersed in a sunny fictional frame.

From the get go Students of the College were divided into 5 Houses themed around the principles of design known as PERMA – Positive Emotion, Engagement, Relationship, Meaning, Accomplishment.


Design doing in teams larded by design sprints infused with time bound design trials exerted the houses to rapid prototype, co-create the extraordinary guided the collegiate to trigger, test and train their skills, knowledge and attitudes in getting to know each other as well as the characters in the tasteful fictional frame.

Do, not Talk

Interestingly enough, across all the conversations, one observation was blatantly obvious. It’s “Do” and not talk, that wagged the tail of this dog. And inline with the previous edition’s promise, a carefully curated collegiate meant that everyone you spoke to led to the aspiration to speak to that person again. We overheard, both sober and whilst in the mixologist dungeon, #CoEE contributors express something very powerful. “There was no one at this conference that I didn’t want to speak to a second time. A powerful promise obtained through the cross polination of LARPers and multi disciplinary conference participants. With guest appearances of illustrious facilitators, professors, magicians, storytellers and gobbelines, all headlined by the nestor of the Experience Economy, Joe Pine.

The magic circle created through the extraordinary experiences and a series of trials, whilst battling the design Hydra transformed the students of the inaugural College of Extraordinary Experiences in a magical bond of storytellers and alumni of the College of Extraordinary experiences. A priceless extraordinary experience resulting in a powerful alumni bond where scholarship based on contribution and tuition fee were as disparate as the contribution of everyone involved.

After all, since the inaugural College of Extraordinary Experiences organisers were so confident in its event design that they promise a 100% Money Back Guarantee if you are not satisfied with your College experience. No doubt, that confidence is anchored in a solid belief that when LARP meets business conference, a door is jolted opened to the future of extraordinary event experiences.

BIG REVEAL ->#EventCanvas in action at the inaugural College of Extraordinary Experiences #CoEE #theta360 – Spherical Image – RICOH THETA

for the full length recap of the event in a 360 degree video recap at the close of the #CoEE =

Blogpost =

Visual Notebook of the College of Extraordinary Experiences = coee-visual-notes copyright eventcanvas 2016

The College of Extraordinary Experiences Visual Essay by team #EventCanvas by Event Model Generation on Scribd


Facilitation of Event Design using the Event Canvas Methodology

  • Skills:

    Stakeholder Alignment, Empathy Mapping, Event Canvas, Event Delta, Prototyping

  • Client:

    The College of Extraordinary Experiences